GritBot icon Changes in Release 2.02

More thorough check for possible anomalies
The new release includes additional checks that require very little additional computation.

Changes to reporting strategy
A possibly anomalous case can often be explained in different ways. The previous release chose the shortest explanation, but 2.02 balances brevity and significance.

64-bit support
Release 2.02 comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Revised release
The revised release corrects a bug in the case labels printed on output. This bug affects applications with a label attribute and both data and test files.

Click here for information on updates in previous releases.

For Licensees Only:

Licensees who purchased GritBot since January 2012 are welcome to upgrade to this release.

Click the appropriate link(s) below to download Release 2.02. You will be asked to re-enter your licence ID before using the system.

© RULEQUEST RESEARCH 2016 Last updated August 2016

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